Monday, December 28, 2009
Week 32 ~Merry Christmas~
Monday, December 21, 2009
Week 31

Hi stinker, it's me mommy! Lets talk about those tootsies of yours. They are awful cute, and I love feeling them kick. I was just wondering if you could find a new place for them. Or maybe you could just move them from my right ribs to my left ribs. This might also help with that soccer game you've been practicing for. Also, I wanted to let you know that we are on VaCaTiOn!!! That means you can sleep in! No need to wake mommy up at 6am for the next 2 weeks! So go ahead and relax, you can practice your break dancing later.
Love you,
P.S. Sorry for having that 2nd caramel brullee latte today.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
My breakdancing Ninja in action!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Week 30

Saturday, December 12, 2009
Nolen Reed @ 30 weeks
Here is the link the Nolen's first video, he's a bit swirmy, can't seem to get comfy :)
Sunday, December 6, 2009
week 29

Friday, December 4, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Maternity photos sneak peak...

Sunday, November 29, 2009
Week 28

Friday, November 20, 2009
Week 27

Have I told you lately how much I love being pregnant. I mean aside from the flippin' miracle that it is (come on people, sperm + egg= Nolen...crazy!!!) I've also learned to start voicing Nolen's "needs." "No, Nolen doesn't want spaghetti for dinner, he wants pizza," "Nolen thinks that basketball game is too loud lets watch Greys instead." "Nolen doesn't want to see that scary movie, he'd much rather see that sappy chic flick." and my personal favorite "Nolen and me could really use a back rub!" Oh poor Tim. He's been such a trooper though all of this. He listens to me complain, tells me what to take for heartburn (heartburn blows by the way), and occasionally lets me take a sip of his wine :) He's also been getting to feel Nolen break dancing more and more. We'll lay there around break dancing time (10:30-11:30pm) with Tim's hand on my belly as Nolen shakes, rattles, and rolls. If Nolen stops for a water break Tim will shake my belly, trying to get him moving again. Ah, father son bonding :) Tim is convinced that since Nolen's punches are already so strong that we're going to have some kind of athlete on our hands. I think this is every father-to-be's vision for their boys. We'll just have to wait and see.
Another early shower present arrived this week, our stroller!!! We've been pushing it around the house (daily) and a little around the block as well (I hope the neighbors aren't watching!) We got the Baby Jogger City classic in black and tan...loves it! (Thanks so much Jo-Jo and Pops or is it No-Paw?!)

Sunday, November 15, 2009
Week 26

How cute are these...

Monday, November 9, 2009
Week 25

Sunday, November 1, 2009
Week 24

Week 24 is just full of pictures! #1 is Nolen's first football game (45- 42 Woot woot!) #2 is from Halloween, I was a knocked up county bumpkin and Tim was my cowboy!
6 months along already, hard to believe! Up until this point in life I've felt pretty confident that I could walk into a college bar and still "fit in." You know what I mean, I felt like I didn't yet look like one of those "old people" who's still trying to relive the good years! Well, not so much the case anymore. We spent the past weekend in Tallahassee visiting with friends and watching the Noles play NC State. Friday night we decided to head to one of our old favorite bars, AJ's. Yes, thats right, a pregnant girl headed to a bar. So it's evident from the second I walk in the door that I no longer can pass for a college student. The door man starts laughing, out loud, asking if he's on a hidden camera show. He said he feels like the door guy on Knocked Up, banding a pregnant lady. Well we decide a nice game of darts would be fun for all. Mid dart I hear some snickers coming from a few tables down. I then hear the word "pregnant" so my ears toon in. "That will be you," a college boy snickers to his female friend..."You'll be the pregnant lady in a bar, ahahaha." :( Jeez people, just let me play some darts. A little while later a nice waitress comes over, "Can I get you something to drink, (her eyes drift to my belly) Oh my god, I'm soo sorry, Oh my god, I ugh, oh my..." Alright, well AJ's was fun, I'm ready for bed!
My belly... throughout this pregnancy I've been getting what I call "tight belly." It's this feeling like your stomach is being pushed out as much as it possible could be pressed. A feeling like if your stomach stretches one more inch it will literally explode. I put in a call to the expert (Heather) who reassured me that "tight belly" was completely normal. I've also noticed that on nights where "tight belly" is especially bad, I am also extremely thirsty. So I sit and chug water for hours on end. When I wake up from a "tight belly-thirsty night" my belly is usually noticeably bigger. I guess this is all just a part of the growing game! I literally feel like my stomach can not stretch another inch, but with 4 more months it will be sure to grow! Time to buy stock in belly lotion's and potions!
Below are some of Nolen's first pieces of Florida State gear including his first pair of Flip-Flops!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009
Week 23

6 months ago my weekends were filled with nights out on the town, wine, and laughing with friends. Fast forward to today and things are looking a bit different. We still have the occasional night out on the town, laughing with friends part, only minus the wine :( Once pregnant one must find "new" activities to fill the weekend. The tavern (or any other bar) just doesn't seem as much fun minus the "drink in hand." So I've been busy, busy keeping myself busy...
My first new activity is painting picture frames. I've made baby boy frames, Christmas frames, fall frames, baby girl frames, FSU get the point. If you need a frame, I'm your women! Tim came home to my new hobby and asked, "are you going to sell all of these?" No silly, these are all ours, and this is just the beginning, I have 4 more months :)

I'll leave you with a funny story... I was having a conversation with my 4 year old buddy Justin the other day. I asked him if he knew that there was a baby in my belly. Oh the look of terror!! His little jaw dropped and he stared at me in disgust. "You ate the baby????!!!!???" Ha, he then proceeded to tell me that in order to get that baby back out I was going to have to sneeze really hard. I'm trusting you on this one Justin! Come February 17th I'll be ready for the sneeze of a lifetime!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Week 22

(Truth be told, he could wake me up anytime, I LOVE feeling him dance!)
On a more fashionable note, do you know how much fun it is buying teeny, tiny little man clothes?!? It rocks, and as a result my wardrobe will be taking the backseat for a few months while I build Nolen's up! Tim has requested that I look for baby clothes that resemble his wardrobe. That would mean the Nolen will be a polo shirt, khaki shorts and rainbow flip flops wearing kind of baby. Cute! The picture above is one of my cute finds of the weekend, his first spider-man shirt. Loves it! Now if we could just find the miniature seven jeans, the look would be complete.