A few posts ago I mentioned how everyone, literally everyone is pregnant these days. Such exciting times, lots of gifts to buy.
Now I love shopping, but I really love baby gift shopping! Who doesn't?!? Everything is so little, so innocent, so cute. Now the question comes in, what to buy? Do you go practical (think registry); diapers, bottles, diaper genie, boogie sucker (literally,) bath tub... you could, but that's so not cute or fun. Or do you go practical & cute; stylish nursing cover, monogrammed baby blanket... yes, but what if Mommy and Daddy have different taste then your Monogrammed Minky green blanket. Or do you go sentimental; silver baby spoon, personalized baby book, jewelery (think keepsake)... Oh, the choices!
As a new mommy my gut says to be practical and buy these first time mommies the necessities they are going to need. Yes, all the boring stuff. The stuff you won't appreciate until you've become a Mommy yourself and realized, "So that's why I can't put my dirty diapers in the trash can. PeeeEwww! Then there's the other side of me that says, "If Aunt Megan doesn't buy him/her their first pair of True Religion jeans then who will?"
I go through phases with gifts. I'll pick a theme and that's what everyone gets, just a slight variation depending on each person. For Christmas one year it was gift cards, the next it was wedding photos, this year...(ha, you thought I was going to spill the beans didn't you!) You'll just have to wait and see what you get this year! I'm also excited to see what little man might get for for Christmas this year. My Mothers day gifts were so good, I can only imagine what he'll come up with for Christmas. (hint, hint, wink, wink)
Back to the babies, for this round of baby gifts I think I'm going cute & sentimental, perhaps useful too. Ideas???
I always receives picture frames every Christmas. But for a change, creating a personalized baby gifts is awesome idea..