(My little sign holder is making these pictures a little tricky.)
How Far Along: 26 weeks
How Big is Baby: Hudson is close to 15", my food comparison this week is a head of lettus. They must be referring to a large head of romaine?!?
Clothes:I tried to fit in some of my looser "regular" clothes. It wasn't pretty. Dresses were coming up extra short, the shirts extra tight. Then we had a broken zipper, followed by some tears. Pregnant dressing is getting tricky.
Exercise: I 'm still shaking it at Step aerobics. I must look like the bearded circus lady though because last week as I was bouncing over my step I kept looking up to find a audience standing, pointing, talking about me :(
Best Moment this week: Mommies officially a grownup...I turned 30 this week and I'm feeling pretty fabulous about it, life is good!
Food Cravings: Girl scout cookies, beans, pickles
Movement: Movements are getting stronger and more frequent. Soaking up every moment of this pregnancy because I know it will be over before we know it.
Gender: Still a boy
Labor Signs: Braxton hicks, but nothing too strong or frequent.
What I miss: Here goes my list of drinks again. Wine, beer, margaritas, more wine, more beer...looking forward to an ice cold beverage in my hand come June.
What I'm looking forward to:Cleaning out Hudson's closet, putting together his crib, setting up his new bedding, hanging the curtains and picking up his chair. Full on nesting mode for the nursery!
Weekly Wisdom: Always take the time to look presentable. Things like shaving your legs, applying makeup and fixing your hair. You never know when you'll walk into a surprise 30th birthday party looking like a hot mess! (Thankfully it was my closest girl friends, and there was lots of wine involved so it didn't take away from my birthday fun.)
Milestone: Last week of the 2nd trimester, whooa pregnancy, SLLoOOOWww down!
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