It's happened...I've finally felt little bean in there!!! It happened on Saturday as I was getting my fix of The Real World on TIVO. At first I thought my stomach was itching again (I've been very itchy these last few weeks.) So as I sat on the couch I itched away. Only this "itch" wasn't being scratched. Thats because it wasn't an itch at all. It was more of a tickle, from the inside! Little bean would "tickle, tickle, tickle" then it would stop. A few seconds later I would feel those tickles coming from another spot. Now I have always HATED being tickled. I think this is a result of the many years my sisters and dad would bring out the "tickle monster" and use it as a form of torture on me. They would then proceed to tickle me untill I couldn't breath and I felt as though I might pee my pants. Today, I LOVED being tickled! Tickle away little bean, tickle away :)
We're getting very anxious to find out if Little bean is a boy bean or a girl bean. The doctor said we'll find out at 20 weeks. OOohhh come on 20th week, come on sonogram! There are so many cute baby things out there just waiting to be purchased. Green and yellow just aren't as cute as pink and blue!
What a great feeling, I love feeling those little tickles! I can't seem to get enough of them either.