Today was my 24 week doctor's appointment. I was asking my doctor if it's normal for a second baby to be living so low, low down. She replied yes and went on to explain, "Think of your uterus like a hammock. The first time around the hammock is nice and tight, holding that baby up high. This time around your hammock has been stretched, so this baby is no longer sitting up so high."
Sigh. I have a stretched hammock.
How Far Along: 24 weeks
How Big is Baby: Little man Hudson is the size of a large grapefruit, 12" long. Although still little, everything is fully formed, already looking like a little bitty newborn. Mommie is up 15 pounds which is how much I put on with Nolen, the ENTIRE pregnancy, awesome.
Clothes:I heart maternity clothes. They shouldn't limit these just to pregnancy. We have a wedding coming up in march so I've been in search of a dress that fits the bump. Luckily I found one (non-maternity) that fits! (Lets just hope that's still the case in 4 weeks.)
Exercise: I have exactly 3 workout tops that fit, so we're still going strong at Step Aerobics. If anyone other pregnant ladies are looking for workout clothes I've found that the
LuLuLemon shirts ROCK. They are light and airy while still fitting in that baby bump. Even better... they're not "maternity" so you can use them after. (In reality I'm just loving an excuse to buy overly priced, super cute workout wear.)
Best Moment this week: Big Brother Nolen turned 2 this week! Happy birthday!!!
Food Cravings: Chips & Dip, Pad Thai, cookies & hot sauce (sounds like a balanced diet to me!)
Movement: Hudson man has been pretty quiet during the day time hours, but come 9:00 pm, he's a dancing machine, all night, literally.
Gender: Oh boy oh Boy!
Labor Signs: Non this week, which is fine with me. He still has a lot of cooking to do!
What I miss: Wine, margaritas, cornona beer, more wine. Geez I sound like I have a drinking problem. This year teaching has been more on the stressful end of things, what I wouldn't give to come home to a glass of wine (or keep a flask in my desk drawer, kidding.)
What I'm looking forward to:Curtain maker found, navy and white fabric purchased, curtain lady sewing my dream curtains with perfect 12" stripes. I'm also a tad bit excited because I'm next in line on the birthday train. 30 years old here I come, I'm actually ready for it! I feel like I'm right where I should be in my life, so BRING it 30!
Weekly Wisdom: A humidifier wonders for a pregnant lady with a cold. The same can not be said about the pregnant ladies hair after sleeping next to the humidifier all night. Yikes, that's all I'll say.
Milestone: We had our viability week this week. That means if for some reason little man was to arrive now, he'd have a much better chance of surviving. Don't get any ideas buddy, you stay put for another 16 weeks!