A nun, a nurse, 2 teachers, and a rocket scientist get in a car together. Stop me if you've heard this one. Oh wait, unfortunately it's not a joke, this was my reality last night. Flying home for Baltimore (my sisters Bridal & Bachlorette party) our connecting flight from ATL got canceled. Normally I would have swooped up my free hotel stay and taken a sick day. This week however is the huge standardized state assessment, big deal, no absences. So flight gets canceled, my mom and I make some friends sitting near, and off we go in our Hertz rental car. 2.5 hours and 3 new friends later we're home. Tired, Nolen deprived, and home at 2am. yawn. (I should also mention that 5 other Delta flights were delayed/canceled next to us for various reasons; no pilot, broken plane, no plane. Way to go Delta.)
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