2011 was a year full of growing, fun, and change. Can't wait to see what 2012 has in store for us! Here's a quick recap of 2011:
January: Snow day in Augusta, GA. Something we didn't have in Florida!

February: Happy 1st birthday little man!

March: Look who's walking!

April: Happy Easter, Spring break visiting Orlando!

May: Best news ever...guess who's moving back to Florida, YIPPEE!

June: Nolen explores Paris and Italy

July: Loving this Orlando Place, 1st time (of many) to Disney!

August: One of our daily playmates with my Bff Joshua.

September: Go Noles, it's football season.

October: Look "Whoo" went trick-or-treating for the 1st time.

Novemeber: Superstar, in Parenting magazine.

Found out I'm going to be a BIG brother!

December: waiting for Santa on Christmas eve.

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