Little man had a very special treat this week. He not only got to meet his aunt TaTa (my middle sister Shannon,) but he also got to meet his aunt YaYa (my oldest sister Heather,) Uncle Chris and cousins Nick and Peri! We decided that our normal names were much too boring, so we wracked our brains until we came up with some more fitting ones. Enter YaYa, Tata, and Lala (me!) I'll give you one guess how Aunt Shannon ended up as Aunt Tata...
These visits get complicated when sisters are spread across the east coast (Augusta, Baltimore, & Chicago!) My sister Shannon and her fiance were coming to Augusta at the same time that Heather (and family) were visiting my parents in NC. A little 1 hour drive to meet and the middle and we had everyone together! A total treat! It was awseome to finally see Little man meet his cousins. He was enthralled with Mr. Nick, I think they were having some much needed male bonding time. Peri was as sweet as ever, that is until she saw her mommy holding another baby! She couldn't quite figure out who this other baby was. We would have been in some serious trouble if he tried to eat her food too!

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