There's no rhyme or reason to this post...just a bunch of randomness...
1. Since when did I become such a breast feeding maniac? I mean before I had kids I could have cared less how a baby ate. Breast milk, formula, potato, patato. The other day I caught myself trying to talk a pregnant friend into breast feeding. She has no desire to, but there I was, smothering her in all the amazingness of breast-milk. Mental note: Step back boob lady, not everyone is into it!
2. Nolen is in the questions phase.
N: "Mommy what's that?"
M: a banana
N: "What's that?"
M: It's a kind of fruit.
N: "But why?"
M: Because thats how God designed it.
N: "But why?"
M: Because he wanted us to have nice things to eat.
N: "Why?"
You can try ignoring him, but he only asks louder. "BUT WHY MOMMY?!?"

3. Hudson could be an olympian planker. Whenever you go to set him down (playmat, highchair, carseat...) he become stiff as a board. #professionalplanker

4. Our wild and crazy days of tequila shots have been replaced by apple cider vinegar shots. Seriously. this stuff is amazing for you (or at least that's what it said on pinterest!)
5. We are seriously thinking of switching Nolen to a big boy bed. He's perfectly happy in his crib, We are 100% nuts for rocking this boat. I will be kicking myself, I know!
7. Not only was I in bed by 9 on NYE, but I also found myself cursing at the 12am firework display. They must not have sleeping babies.
Don't worry about the big boy bed. When we moved Easton to his, we put up a rail and have a big pillow at the end of it, so he kind of feels like he is still in his crib, but just a lot more room. You can do it Mommy!
ReplyDeleteI love curiosity. How wonderful that your oldest is interested and wants to learn!