Always putting someone else first. Work, sleep, exercise, eatting...doesn't matter. You may or may not get one, or any of these things for that matter.
You happily shorten your get-ready time in the morning so you can get some extra snuggles and smiles.
Scooping up things that magically appear, floating in the bathtub.
Turning your tatas into a milk factory, open for business 24 hours a day.
Trading in your favorite radio station for "The Wheels on the Bus."
Running down the road like a crazy women, flailing your arms, because it's making a certain someone laugh.
Pointing out the color of everything your come in contact with in hopes of teaching colors. "The Starbuck cup is white, WHITE."
Trading in your 52" TV for a 3" baby monitor screen. Who knew watching a little one sleep could be so therupedic.
Going out to dinner and being thankful to see a roomful of other babies!
Buying all your clothes in size 12-18 month. (Little ones are SO fun to shop for, who needs clothes for themselves any more?)
Counting down the minutes, from the time you leave in the morning, untill you can get back home to that sweet little face.
Planning your meals & outting around naptime and bedtime. (8-10am, 1-3pm, & 7pm)
Learning what it truly means to love. Love, love, love!
Being a Mommy truly is the best.thing.ever. Happy Mothers' Day!
Adorable you guys!!! I hope to come and see you guys soon :) xoxo