(It's a good thing that I invested so much into his summer wardrobe. Those clothes will look awfully cute in his closet as he runs around in his birthday suit all summer.)
Summer is Oh-So-Close, the school year is almost over, Yahoo! 13 school days and counting. Truth be told, it could be my last days of teaching. When we moved to Georgia this year, I became the low man on the totum pole, the last one hired at my school. Well budget cuts, yadda yadda, my contract has yet to be renewed. They have to first make sure every other teacher has been placed. I should be worried, but I'm not. In fact I have this very calm, "don't' you worry, bout a thing, cause, every little thing is gonna be alright" feeling. Maybe I'll teach next year, maybe I won't. We shall see, but things always have a way of working themselves out. In the meantime I'll be enjoying every minute at home with my little man, all summer long, yippee!
On Saturday our neighborhood had a local farm fest. Farmers galore, selling organic produce,meats, and dairy, yum! We stocked up on a gallon of strawberries that you could smell from a mile away. What do you do with that many strawberries you ask? Strawberry everything. Strawberry waffles, strawberry daiquiris, strawberry fruit salad, strawberry everything! I even made some frozen strawberry puree Popsicles for little man, he approved!