Monday, January 10, 2011

Week 42

Today was a snow day, no school, yippee! We literally got "dressed" in new pair of pj's for the day. An extra day off was the perfect excuse to jump right into making birthday decor. I have the whole picture in my head, with a month (and a budget) to make it all come alive! Originally I had shopped around on Etsy for everything birthday. I was happily clicking away, "adding to cart." Thirty minutes in I realized that things had gotten out of control. A "few" decorations had already added up to a "few" hundred dollars. Plan B. Instead I got out my scissors, glue, and some scrapbook paper...Mommies getting crafty!

Daddy had his own visions for the birthday party. His visions included us renting a bird-man to bring tropical birds to the party. I tried to explain that it was a fabulous idea...maybe for a 5th birthday party. Oh dear. All I could envision were birds bigger then the babies, squawking, pooing, biting. Birds making the babies cry. Not the 'Happy Birthday' I had in mind.

Nolen has ideas about his party too. He was thinking a menu of pureed spinach, cheerios, and peas. Decor consisting of empty boxes & bubble wrap. "The Wheels on the Bus" played on repeat, over and over again. I think these boys should leave the planning to Mommy!

Little man is up to some new shananigans these days.
  • He LOVES climbing up and down the stairs. He'll hang on to the railings and yell down to everyone along the way (don't worry, I'm always one step behind.) Our new gate at the bottom of the steps is pretty useless. He stands, shaking the gate, yelling, until we open is for him. Only thing it's keeping out is Mommy and Daddy.
  • He waves to every baby he sees, you would think he was running for office.
  • He is starting to eat some real food, cheerios & peas, without gagging (as much.)
  • When he wakes up from a nap he stands up in his crib, jumps up and down, and yells "Mommma."
  • He started making a new noise, a noise we couldn't figure out, then one day we got it. He makes fake snoring sound. The same one we use when we play "Oh, I'm so tired *snore*" (this game is usually played around 5pm when we're really "oh-so-tired."
  • He always has to do a taste test of his bath water. As soon as he gets in he leans forward and takes a little slurp. Fortunately this is usually before his next bath trick...
Love. this. little. man.


  1. Isn't it fun planning their birthday parties? My oldest turned 5 this year and she didn't want a party at home; she wanted to just do it at the gymnastics place. Broke my heart!!! But that just gave me a little extra time to plan for Easton's!

  2. he is just so darn cute! i love bath pictures!
